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Guest Posting

The Complete Guide to Guest Posting

The Complete Guide to Guest Posting explains how you can pitch your guest post to an editor or site owner. The complete guide covers everything from writing a stellar bio to finding guest posting sites. Here are the most important tips to pitching a guest post:

Writing a great guest post bio

There are a few things to remember when writing a guest post bio. A good bio should have relevant information that pertains to the topic of the post. In the case of a blog, you should concentrate on tech-related topics, such as freelance writing. Write about your success as a freelance writer and things you’ve created. A user will read the bio and judge your credibility based on it. So, be as impressive as possible!

Before writing your bio, take some time to learn about the blog’s content. Some blogs feature more information about their guest writers than others. For example, the Queen of Contemporary book blog features a personalized introduction as well as a short bio at the end of each article. A good guest post bio allows the author to talk more about their own expertise and work. You can also use this opportunity to pitch your writing skills as an author, such as sci-fi and horror.

When writing your bio, make sure to follow the guidelines of the guest posting company. Sometimes, the guidelines include breaking up the post into three parts, keeping the post under a thousand words, and including 5 internal link insertion. It’s important to meet these requirements if you want to be featured on a blog. It’s also important to pay attention to the unspoken norms that come with blogging. Every blog has its own writing style, so you need to research and adapt accordingly.

Finding sites that accept guest posts

Before you can find sites that accept guest posts, you must know the niche you want to write about. You can start looking for them by using tools such as Ahrefs or SEMRush. Another way to find sites that accept guest posts is to check the backlink profiles of your competitors. If your competitors are doing it, there’s a high chance that they’ll accept your guest post too. Here’s how to find them.

First, you must find email addresses of blog owners. If you have an author page on various websites, you can add the address to your master list. LinkedIn has a tool called Hunter that finds email addresses of people in your network. You can also try keyword research tools such as Keywords Everywhere, a free Chrome extension. You’ll find a ton of websites that accept guest posts. If you find one that is not on this list, you can still try your luck.

Once you have located websites that accept guest posts, make sure your content fits their guidelines. The requirements for writing a guest post vary, so you need to find out exactly what they require before starting. In general, they’ll require a minimum number of words. You might be able to get away with shorter articles, but keep in mind that your article should fit their criteria. Once you’ve done this, you can begin writing guest posts.

Pitching a guest post

Before you start pitching a guest post, make sure to do some research. Before you send out your pitch, you should have some idea of what the target blog is about and what kind of content they would be interested in reading. It is also important to have a good question in mind for the audience you’re pitching to. Then, consider what they’re looking for and write about it in your pitch. Once you have the basics down, you can move on to the more involved part of the process.

First, find the target blog and research its audience. It is advisable to look for blogs that have dedicated readers, but keep in mind that you should always follow the guidelines published by the blog owner. Also, do not pitch on a topic that doesn’t fit the target blog’s audience, since it will come off as spam. Always research the target blog before sending your pitch. Once you know their audience, you can make a good pitch and send them a post that would fit their topic and audience.


You can find blogs by using tools like Technorati and Google Blog Search. You can also look for blogs in relevant niches on Facebook and Twitter. If you find a blog with a good audience, pitch it directly to the owner. Then, explain why your guest post will benefit their readers. Once they are convinced, they’ll be more likely to publish it. There are several things to consider when pitching a high quality guest post sites.

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